Wednesday, September 10, 2014

School troubles

Haven't posted in a long time. Not that I had no parenting issues, I keep procrastinating.

Well, let me share my recent problem. The school that Harini is attending has started a canteen. They sent a circular saying its mandatory for all kids. Obviously, I wrote back saying that though I welcome the idea and it might be useful to many, I am against making it mandatory and I would not opt for it. Since many parents were against it, for now the authorities are not pressing the matter. But without doubt they will force it on us soon.

Now this (and such other money making tactics of the school) prompted me to look for alternate schools. Hosur being such a small town does not provide great options and the only other decent option I have is TVS Academy, about which I am still gathering inputs, and let me tell you, I am getting very conflicting information 😟

Above all this is the biggest problem : Harini loves her current school. She loves her friends, teachers and everything about it. Truly speaking, even I find it reasonably good and comparable to Bangalore schools. They have got very good infrastructure, lots of extracurricular activities, exposure to national level competitions etc. Etc. And the best part is it is at a 5 minutes walking distance from my home !!!

On the negative side, lots of homework, marks oriented ... And of course money making techniques ..

My expectations from my kid's school is this :
enabling her to explore her interests,
making her confident and allowing her to voice her opinions, doubts without any fear,
Allowing her to experiment without being scared of failing,
Giving counselling about various educational opportunities when they reach 9th std and above,
And most importantly, let her know that success has nothing to do with your grades, it really does not matter if u got 90% or 95% in your 10th std. when you are 35 years old 😉 Well, if you get 50% it will probably matter, but as long as the kids are raised to believe in themselves and are allowed to pursue their passions, I am sure they will do just fine.

All the above and are not only school's responsibility but also a parent's. And I am really doubtful about finding such a school, at least in my town 😞

Am I expecting too much? What are your expectations from your kids school?


  1. My take will be not to change the school if Harini is so fond of it. I remember that when I was in 8th, my parents suddenly realized that i am good at acads and they should have put me in english medium school. RCF school was nearby.. but i refused to accept the offer; may be because i was not sure whether i will be able to cope up or not. But stronger reason was i had excellent group of friends in the school and i didnt want to come out of my confort zone..
    Unless you are moving out, dont try to changer Harini's school for small reasons.. she will accept it if you are moving elsewhere because she wudnt have choice then...

    second thing about the school canteen.. have you tried to understand school's view about it?
    In a way your view is right, rather than eating food cooked for say 500/1000 students without considering their likings, kids should eat food prepared with love by their moms.
    May be school wants to have uniformity in what their students eat. Lots of times, schools suggest to give homemade subji roti in tiffin and moms give some ready to eat stufff. In out times pizzas and burgers werent there. Some moms religiously give 'subji-roti' but some give such fancy stuff.
    But still, except for residential schools, all other schools should give option between canteen food and homemade food.
    And i think if all parents fight back together on the issue, it's not difficult to achieve..

    only if school is always looking for ways to get more money from parents, then it's a serious issue and needs serious action then..

  2. Thanks a lot vidya for sharing ur own school experience.
    And you are right about raising the point of understanding school's view. I didn't bother to understand that yet. That's my mistake. Maybe I just need to make an effort talking to them. My biggest concern definitely was that how hygienic the food would be ... And now that I think about it the truth is that teachers and definitely their kids eat the canteen food, so they will have an eye on the quality.
    Hmmm ... Gives me a lot to think about before I over react and make a switch for some minor issue ... I am really glad u replied. Thank u so much.

  3. We have a lot of concern for our kids. We can never compromise with the health of our kids.
    We can see the other side of the coin. I/We know parents who give only maggi, bread, oats prepared in early morning in the lunch boxes. This group of parents is the source of inspiration to the management who make money. These parents have honour in proclaiming that lunch will be provided in school itself. Children move out of their houses at 6 am after having a cup of milk, (travel 40 km) get their breakfast and their lunch, snacks both the times and come home at 6 pm in my native place. Parents are very proud about it and think that they assure a very good future and it is an investment. They think more of their convenience than the convenience and health of the child. It doesn’t mean that I am supporting the school canteen facility. If the parents are against it the schools should have an option form.
    Truly speaking those children are very lucky whose schooling is done at a place which is less than 2 km from their residence. In this matter you have chosen the school correctly. Moreover peer group influence plays an important role in the development of personality at this tender age, which Harini should not miss.
    Also I don’t feel for accepting that much of teaching and guidance in case of achievers are done at home than at school. None other than parent is the best teacher for the child. Schools are becoming supporting systems than forming the basement of education and learning. You are the only person who can teach, guide, motivate Harini better than anyone else. I don’t repent for not being taught well in the school though I am a teacher. I teach my child, teach my students and do my duty.
    We think Harini is a small kid. But she is not. She is the total embodiment of emotions and values inherited from her progeny. She knows to tackle the injustice being done as she is the best judge at her status. We should allow her to grow by herself. Just be a spectator, guide at times of necessity, motivate and support her at times of need and distress. Let her manage situations by herself. Hope I have not bored you.

  4. Dear Hema Ma'm, thank you so much for sparing your valuable time and for giving me so many priceless inputs. You have such a rich and vast experience in teaching and every word you say matters a lot to me. And the last few lines that you have written about a parent's role, I am going to remember forever. I am ever so thankful to you Ma'm.
