Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Exams vs. learning

Harini's quarterly exams are going on. She had an off day yesterday, in the sense, she had to attend school but there was no exam.

Since it was just half-day school, I let her sleep till late and skip the school. When she woke up, I teasingly asked her what if they really had Hindi exam at school and she missed it?

My child replied "In that case, they will mark me absent or give zero marks". Then she added excitedly, "But Amma, what I studied is going to stay in my brain. I am able to understand Hindi now and I can frame even 3-4 sentences answers on my own. I am sooooo happy".

I was surprised. If I had missed an exam at school or college, I would have howled and cried. But my kid taught me a new lesson. She is blissfully unaware of the mark market. Instead she gives more importance to learning.

I hope her interest in learning new things remains as active as it is.


  1. Not sure if you know this site already..

    Has lots of material for kids and grown ups too.

  2. I had not known about it. Its too good. THANKS again.

  3. spread a word about this site in Harini's school, teachers , friend circle etc.
    Lots of ppl do not know that so much interesting online material is available..
    I know a lady from Pune, she gave up her job in zensar and took up doing these scientific experiments for kids and remote schools..

    we can at least spread a word and let other parents know ;-)

  4. rather i would say that first you try out something and then tell other ppl about it.
    I went and bought bicycle valve tube and did few match stick models. Kids loved them so much.. They readily took those model and made their own structures out of it...
