Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Taking baby steps

Harini, my darling daughter has turned 8 recently. And for the past few months I have been feeling like a novice mom again. Because even though I can advice a new mom about baby foods, weaning, teething etc., I feel inadequate to keep up with my growing daughter's growing doubts :-)

These questions are not simple enough to be googled about. The answers I give will slowly form my kid's value system. So I need to be extra careful. 

Hence this blog, where I plan to share my experiences, mistakes, concerns and triumphs (if any) !

Harini's recent photo


  1. Harini looks cute. A perfect blend of both the parents. Really delighted to see her

  2. Good work Priya! You penned down your experiences very well. and cute picture of Harini :) seeing her after long time..thanks for sharing your blog..and Kepp up the good work !
